Fire Safety Tips to Keep Your Business Secure

Protect Your Business From the Threat of Fire

When people think of security, they may not immediately think of fire safety. However, some security companies, like LNN Protection Services, offer fire protection services. Our trained guards are available to monitor areas of your property, keeping a careful watch for the first sign of fire. These services are especially helpful during your business' off-hours, such as late evening and early morning. Besides hiring a guard to patrol your premises, you can also take the following steps to keep your business' property and staff safe.

Have an Evacuation Plan

Don't wait until a crisis situation occurs to figure out your evacuation strategy. Develop a fire safety plan that addresses what you and your employees should do in the event of a fire. Include these plans in your office's emergency procedures file. Practice drills on a regular basis so that employees know where they should go if an alarm begins to sound. Have a designated meeting spot for employees and visitors in your building that is far enough away from the building to remain safe.

Familiarize Staff with Resources

Just as important as knowing how to safely exit the building is knowing what to do if you or an employee sees a fire first. Don't let a surprise situation catch your business off guard. Do staff members know where the fire extinguishers are located? Are they aware that there are fire alarms in the building and where they can find them? Make covering basic fire safety resources part of every employee's training and provide periodic refresher trainings.

Keep an Eye on Electronics

Electrical fires are a leading cause of residential fires in Canada, and businesses are just as vulnerable. Often having even more high-powered equipment than typically found in homes, businesses should be inspected regularly for faulty wiring and lighting. Perform thorough inspections of major appliances like stoves, heating units, dishwashers, and microwaves. Check for signs of fraying, wear, or other damage to both wires and outlets. Encourage employees to ensure electronic devices like personal space heaters are turned off and unplugged at the end of the work day. Advise employees to report any electrical concerns immediately.

Reduce Clutter in Your Building

Monitor your building for excessive clutter. Bags of shredded paper, stacks of books, and closets filled with unused furniture are all potential fire hazards. With large amounts of clutter in your building, even the smallest spark can quickly become an uncontrollable blaze when fueled by piles of combustible materials. Organize spring cleaning days around the office and incentivize recycling. Consider donating unused office materials to a local nonprofit or school to free up space in your storage area.

Prevent the Risk of Arson

While Canada's arson rates have been shown to be decreasing, arson still remains a security threat. As of 2014, the nation experienced nearly 24 arson events for every 100,000 inhabitants. To reduce the risk of an intruder intentionally setting a fire, keep doors and windows locked during the evening hours. Arson can occur during the day as well, with unauthorized visitors starting fires in out-of-sight places like bathroom trashcans or parking decks. Remind employees to report any suspicious behavior as soon as possible.

If you've just started your new business, you can schedule your free consultation with LNN Protection Services as soon as possible. We'll help your business get off to a great start with an affordable security plan. Call 403-554-3230 to speak with a security expert today!

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