Top Strategies to Improve Your Business's Window Security

Locking the office doors is a security step virtually all businesses take when the last employee leaves for the day. While it's easy to remember to lock the entry door, the most effective security strategies include ensuring all business windows are locked, as well. Windows are just as likely to provide intruders access to your building after hours, but they are often forgotten in the hustle of closing up shop at the end of the day. Investing in your window security can avert theft of both expensive equipment and confidential information. Utilizing one or more of the following strategies can help prevent your business from experiencing a burglary that results in the loss of several thousands of dollars.

Consider Installing Casement Windows

There are dozens of window styles available to businesses, and each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. One style of window that is largely considered to be one of the most secure designs is the casement window. If you're unfamiliar with this style, you can recognize it by the fact that the window opens only from the inside via a crank. The window swings outwards, sometimes only a small amount. Its unique design makes accessing your building from the outside without breaking the window virtually impossible. As burglars obviously want to refrain from making noise, this window style can be a useful crime deterrent.

Upgrade Your Window Locks

If your building has been around a few years, chances are, your window locks are not in as good condition as they used to be. Old locks that are rusted or stick are more likely to leave a red flag in your business' security strategy. Consider upgrading to modern window locks made out of metal materials, rather than cheaper plastic alternatives. Some of the most popular lock designs include bar locks, stop locks, and sash locks.

Utilize Tempered Glass for Additional Safety

According to safety sources, tempered glass has been shown to hold up four times as well as traditional glass. Plexiglas, technically designed with an acrylic substance, is even stronger (10 times as durable as traditional glass). These heavy duty styles of glass offer extra resistance if a burglar tries to break your windows. They are more likely to abandon their plans if they're not able to access your building quickly and quietly.

Apply a Layer of Security Window Film

If your budget doesn't allow for a full tempered glass installation, consider applying security window film to your building's windows. This special film is a cost-effective adhesive material that binds to your current panes of glass. The film is designed to prevent glass from shattering completely. Instead, if an intruder hits the window with a heavy object, it may cause a hole that leaves the rest of the window intact, or it may create a "cobweb" effect, much like an object hitting a car windshield does. Security window film makes it harder for intruders to get through your window without making lots of noise and possibly injuring themselves.

Use Security Bars for Even More Protection

Installing security bars to your windows can add an exceptionally sturdy defense to your windows. Available in materials like wrought iron and steel, security bars are typically used only when necessary since they limit the window's functionality. Manufacturers have even begun producing more creative styles to add a decorative element to them. Some options include spaces for flower boxes or intricate patterns to improve the window's appearance.

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